Passed and Assented to
Introduction print – Bill
Introduction print – Explanatory Memorandum
Introduction print – Bill
First House: Legislative Assembly
First readingAssembly
- Introduced by Hon Natalie Hutchins
- First reading passed
- 27/10/2021
- Statement of compatibility tabled
- 28/10/2021
Second readingAssembly
- Second reading moved
- 28/10/2021
- Debate resumed
- 17/11/2021
- Reasoned amendment
- 17/11/2021
The Opposition (Mr Battin) moved a reasoned amendment.
Battin - reasoned amendment.pdf(opens in a new window)Battin - reasoned amendment.docx(opens in a new window)
- 18/11/2021
Mr Battin's reasoned amendment was defeated.
- Government business program
- 16/11/2021
Debate on this bill must be completed by 5.00 pm on Thursday 18/11/2021.
- Second reading passed
- 18/11/2021
Third readingAssembly
- Third reading moved
- 18/11/2021
- Third reading passed
- 18/11/2021
Second House: Legislative Council
Message received from AssemblyCouncil
- Message received from Assembly
- 18/11/2021
First readingCouncil
- Introduced by Hon Jaclyn Symes
- First reading passed
- 18/11/2021
- Statement of compatibility tabled
- 19/11/2021
Second readingCouncil
- Second reading moved
- 19/11/2021
- Debate resumed
- 03/12/2021
- Derryn Hinch's Justice Party amendments circulated
- 03/12/2021
- Greens amendments circulated
- 03/12/2021
- Opposition reasoned amendment
- 03/12/2021
Dr Bach (Opposition) moved the following reasoned amendment. This was debated and defeated.
That all the words after “That” be omitted and replaced with the words “this House refuses to read this Bill a second time until there has been more time to consult with affected stakeholders.”.
- Dr Cumming reasoned amendment
- 03/12/2021
Dr Cumming moved the following reasoned amendment. This was debated and defeated.
That all the words after “That” be omitted and replaced with the words “this Bill be withdrawn until the completion of the passage of the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 in both Houses of the Australian Parliament.”.
- Second reading passed
- 03/12/2021
- Instruction to Committee of the whole (moved by the Derryn Hinch's Justice Party)
- 03/12/2021
The House agreed to a motion moved by Ms Maxwell, That it be an instruction to the Committee that they have the power to consider amendments to amend the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 to provide for the Commission to review the programs and practices of any government department, public authority, State owned enterprise or municipal council on request of either House of the Parliament, or a Minister, and to disclose reports of documents relating to the review if it is in the public interest.
Committee of the wholeCouncil
- Date committed
- 03/12/2021
- Committee of the whole completed - Bill not amended
- 03/12/2021
Third readingCouncil
- Third reading moved
- 03/12/2021
- Third reading passed
- 03/12/2021
Royal Assent
- Royal Assent given
- 14/12/2021
- Act number 56/2021