Each of these reports sets out the following ‘commencement information’ for Acts enacted during the period to which the report relates, by:
- title of the Act
- number of the Act
- date on which it was given the Royal Assent
- Government Gazette the notice of the Royal Assent was published
- which provisions of the Act that are not yet in force
The reports in this section are:
Commencement information for Acts enacted before 1958(opens in a new window)PDF 325.36 KBCommencement information for Acts enacted from 1958 to last year(opens in a new window)PDF 4.14 MBCommencement information for Acts enacted this year(opens in a new window)PDF 16.68 KBEach of the reports in this section sets out the following ‘commencement information’ for statutory rules made during the period to which the report relates, by:
- title of the statutory rule
- number of the statutory rule
- date on which the statutory rule was made
- when the provisions of the statutory rule commenced
- which provisions of the statutory rule are not yet in force
- date of expiry or revocation of the statutory rule
- if the statutory rule was revoked, details of the statutory rule that revoked it
- title and number of the Act under which the statutory rule is made
- Government Gazette the notice of the statutory rules making was published
- date on which the statutory rule was first available
The reports in this section are:
Commencement information for statutory rules made from 1989 to last year(opens in a new window)PDF 6.31 MBCommencement information for statutory rules made this year(opens in a new window)PDF 16.06 KBActs enacted this year
Acts enacted this year(opens in a new window)PDF 348.17 KBThis report sets out the following information for each Act enacted this year, by:
- title and number of the Act
- date on which the Act received the Royal Assent
- information about the commencement of the Act's provisions
- which provisions of the Act are not yet in operation
Acts amended or repealed this year
Acts amended or repealed this year(opens in a new window)PDF 292.41 KBThis report sets out the following information for each Act that has been or will be amended or repealed by an Act that was enacted this year, by:
- title and number of the Act being amended or repealed
- which provisions of the Act are to be amended or repealed
- number and provision of the Act that effects each amendment or repeal
Statutory rules made this year
Statutory rules made this year(opens in a new window)PDF 334.36 KBThis report sets out the following information for each statutory rule made this year, by:
- title and number of the statutory rule
- date on which the statutory rule was made
- information about the commencement of the statutory rule's provisions
- date on which notification of the making of the statutory rule was published in the Government Gazette
- date on which the statutory rule was first available
- title and number of the Act under which the statutory rule is made
Statutory rules amended or revoked this year
Statutory rules amended or revoked this year(opens in a new window)PDF 321.3 KBThis report sets out the following information for each statutory rule that has been or will be amended or revoked by a statutory rule that was made this year, by:
- title and number of the statutory rule being amended or revoked
- which provisions of the statutory rule are to be amended or revoked
- number and provision of the statutory rule that effects each amendment or revocation
Statutory rules expiring this year
Statutory rules expiring this year(opens in a new window)PDF 285.65 KBThis report sets out the following information for each statutory rule that has expired or will expire this year, by:
- title and number of the statutory rule
- date on which the statutory rule will expire
- information about any extension of the statutory rule
Authorising Acts under which statutory rules were made this year
Authorising Acts under which statutory rules were made this year(opens in a new window)PDF 252.63 KBThis report sets out the following information for each Act under which a statutory rule was made this year:
- title and number of the Act
- title and number of each statutory rule made under it this year
Amendments to current Acts
Amendments to current Acts(opens in a new window)PDF 6.48 MBThis report sets out the following information for each amendment that has been or will be made to an Act that is currently in force, by:
- title and number of the Act that is in force
- provision being amended
- provision effecting the amendment (including the title and number of the Act containing the amending provision)
Authorising Acts under which there are principal statutory rules in force
Authorising Acts under which there are principal statutory rules in force(opens in a new window)PDF 373.27 KBThis report sets out the following information for each Act under which there are principal statutory rules currently in force, by:
- title and number of the Act
- title and number of each principal statutory rule made under that Act
Administration of Acts—grouped by Minister
Administration of Acts—grouped by Minister(opens in a new window)PDF 476.54 KBThis report sets out the following information for each Minister who administers an Act that is currently in force, by:
- each Act containing provisions administered by that Minister
- provisions that the Minister administers
Administration of Acts—ordered alphabetically by Act
Administration of Acts—ordered alphabetically by Act(opens in a new window)PDF 371.64 KBThis report sets out the following information for each that is currently in force, by:
- each Minister who administers provisions of that Act
- provisions that each Minister administers
Amendments to current principal statutory rules
Amendments to current principal statutory rules(opens in a new window)PDF 662.04 KBThis report sets out the following information for each amendment that has been or will be made to a principal statutory rule that is currently in force, by:
- title and number of the principal statutory rule
- provision that is being amended
- number and provision of the statutory rule that effects the amendment
Authorising Acts under which there are principal statutory rules in force
Authorising Acts under which there are principal statutory rules in force(opens in a new window)PDF 373.27 KBThis report sets out the following information for each Act under which there are principal statutory rules currently in force, by:
- title and number of the Act
- title and number of each principal statutory rule made under that Act
Statutory rules expiring in a specified year
Statutory rules expiring in a specified year(opens in a new window)PDF 281.36 KBThis report sets out the following information for each statutory rule that is yet to expire, by:
- title and number of the statutory rule
- date on which the statutory rule will expire
- information about any extension of the statutory rule
The reports in this section list all Acts, and set out the following information for each Act, by:
- title and number of the Act
- if the Act was repealed, the number of the repealing Act and the provision effecting the repeal
The reports in this section are:
List of Acts in alphabetical order(opens in a new window)PDF 4.68 MBList of Acts in chronological order(opens in a new window)PDF 4.73 MBReprints of principal general Acts as at 31 December 2018
Reprints of principal general Acts as at 31 December 2018(opens in a new window)PDF 299.99 KBThis report sets out the following information for each Principal Act (other than a local or personal Act) that had not been repealed by 31 December 2018, and includes:
- title and number of the Act
- number and date of the last reprint that was produced of the Act
Reprints of local or personal Acts as at 31 December 2018
Reprints of local or personal Acts as at 31 December 2018(opens in a new window)PDF 156.37 KBThis report sets out the following information for each local or personal Act that had not been repealed by 31 December 2018, and includes:
- title and number of the Act
- number and date of the last reprint that was produced of the Act
Reprints of principal statutory rules as at 31 December 2018
Reprints of principal statutory rules as at 31 December 2018(opens in a new window)PDF 68.81 KBThis report sets out the following information for each principal statutory rule that had not expired or been revoked by 31 December 2018, and includes:
- title and number of the statutory rule
- number and date of the last reprint that was produced of the statutory rule