Passed and Assented to
Introduction print – Bill
Introduction print – Explanatory Memorandum
First House: Legislative Assembly
First readingAssembly
- Introduced by Hon Gabrielle Williams
- First reading passed
- 20/02/2024
- Statement of compatibility tabled
- 21/02/2024
Second readingAssembly
- Second reading moved
- 21/02/2024
- Debate resumed
- 19/03/2024
- Reasoned amendment
- 19/03/2024
The Opposition (Tim McCurdy) moved a reasoned amendment.
Tim McCurdy - reasoned amendment.pdf(opens in a new window)Tim McCurdy - reasoned amendment.docx(opens in a new window)The reasoned amendment was defeated.
- Government business program
- 19/03/2024
Debate on this bill must be completed by 5.00 pm on Thursday 21/03/2024.
- Second reading passed
- 21/03/2024
Third readingAssembly
- Third reading passed
- 21/03/2024
Second House: Legislative Council
Message received from AssemblyCouncil
- Message received from Assembly
- 21/03/2024
First readingCouncil
- Introduced by Hon Enver Erdogan
- First reading passed
- 21/03/2024
- Statement of compatibility tabled
- 21/03/2024
Second readingCouncil
- Second reading moved
- 21/03/2024
- Debate resumed
- 02/05/2024
- Opposition amendments circulated
- 02/05/2024
- Australian Greens Party amendments circulated
- 02/05/2024
- Reasoned amendment
- 02/05/2024
The following reasoned amendment moved by David Davis (Opposition) was defeated.
That all the words after “That” be omitted and replaced with —
“the Bill be withdrawn and not reintroduced until the Government provides —
(1) proof that tenants and rental providers will not be disadvantaged by the Bill;
(2) more information about how the Rental Dispute Resolution Victoria (RDRV) will work;
(3) a breakdown of costings and how the RDRV will be funded;
(4) advice on the timeline of when each stage of establishing the RDRV will be reached and for full operations;
(5) details on how the Minister intends to seek advice in the absence of the Estate Agents Council (EAC) and Public Records Advisory Council (PRAC); and
(6) details on what bodies will replace the EAC and PRAC, including plans for appointments, remuneration, and public information about those bodies.”.
- Second reading passed
- 02/05/2024
Committee of the wholeCouncil
- Date committed
- 02/05/2024
- Amendments agreed to
- 02/05/2024
The amendments moved by David Davis (Opposition) were agreed to.
LC Amendment schedule - Estate Agents, Residential Tenancies and Other Acts Amendment (Funding) Bill 2024.pdf(opens in a new window)
- Committee of the whole completed - Bill amended
- 02/05/2024
Third readingCouncil
- Third reading moved
- 02/05/2024
- Third reading passed
- 02/05/2024
Dealing with Council amendments
- Dealing with Council amendments
- 07/05/2024
The Assembly agreed to the amendments made by the Council.
- Assembly's further amendment
- 07/05/2024
The Government (Gabrielle Williams) moved further amendment
How proposed to be dealt with 070524.docx(opens in a new window)How proposed to be dealt with 070524.pdf(opens in a new window)Gabrielle Williams' further amendment was agreed to.
The Council will now consider the Assembly's amendment.
- Dealing with Assembly's further amendment
- 14/05/2024
The Council agreed to the further amendment made by the Assembly.
How dealt with.docx(opens in a new window)How dealt with.pdf(opens in a new window)
Royal Assent
- Royal Assent given
- 21/05/2024
- Act number 17/2024