Passed and Assented to
Introduction print – Bill
Introduction print – Explanatory Memorandum
First House: Legislative Assembly
First readingAssembly
- Introduced by Hon Mary-Anne Thomas
- First reading passed
- 07/02/2023
- Statement of compatibility tabled
- 08/02/2023
Second readingAssembly
- Second reading moved
- 08/02/2023
- Debate resumed
- 22/02/2023
- Reasoned amendment
- 22/02/2023
The Opposition (Emma Kealy) moved a reasoned amendment.
Emma Kealy's reasoned amendment was defeated.
- Government business program
- 21/02/2023
Debate on this bill must be completed by 5.00 pm on Thursday 23/02/2023.
- Second reading passed
- 23/02/2023
Third readingAssembly
- Third reading moved
- 23/02/2023
- Third reading passed
- 23/02/2023
Second House: Legislative Council
Message received from AssemblyCouncil
- Message received from Assembly
- 23/02/2023
First readingCouncil
- Introduced by Hon Lizzie Blandthorn
- First reading passed
- 23/02/2023
- Statement of compatibility tabled
- 23/02/2023
Second readingCouncil
- Second reading moved
- 23/02/2023
- Debate resumed
- Opposition amendments circulated
- 07/03/2023
- Government amendments circulated
- 09/03/2023
- Liberal Democrats amendments circulated
- 09/03/2023
- Second reading passed
- 09/03/2023
- Committee referral - defeated
- 09/03/2023
The House defeated a motion moved by David Limbrick, That, pursuant to Standing Order 14.12(b), the Health Legislation Amendment (Information Sharing) Bill 2023 and all amendments that have been circulated for the Bill, be referred to the Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee for inquiry, consideration and report by Tuesday, 21 March 2023.
Committee of the wholeCouncil
- Date committed
- 09/03/2023
- Committee of the whole completed - Bill amended
- 09/03/2023
Third readingCouncil
- Third reading moved
- 09/03/2023
- Third reading passed
- 09/03/2023
Dealing with Council amendments
- Dealing with Council amendments
- 09/03/2023
The Council agreed to amendments moved by the Government.
The Assembly will now consider these amendments.
- 21/03/2023
The Assembly started consideration of the Council amendments.
- 22/03/2023
The Assembly agreed to the amendments made by the Council.
Royal Assent
- Royal Assent given
- 28/03/2023
- Act number 4/2023