Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Restoration of Examination Powers) Bill 2022


First House: Legislative Council

First readingCouncil

Second readingCouncil

  • Second reading moved
  • Debate resumed



  • Debate adjourned

    The House agreed to a motion moved by Trung Luu, That debate be adjourned until the Integrity and Oversight Committee have inquired into, considered and reported, by Thursday, 30 November 2023, on the matters raised in the amendments circulated by Ms Copsey to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Amendment (Restoration of Examination Powers) Bill 2022, and as part of their investigation the Committee must —

    1. examine arguments for and against expanding the capacity of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) to hold public hearings and, in particular, whether the “exceptional circumstance” provision under section 117 of the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 excessively restrict the capacity of IBAC to hold public hearings;
    2. consider whether other jurisdictions have reached a more appropriate balance in respect of public hearings; and
    3. report on recommendations for the best practice legislative framework for the conduct of public hearings.
  • Greens amendments circulated
  • Greens amendment circulated