Police, Major Crime and Whistleblowers Legislation Amendment Bill 2008




First House: Legislative Assembly

First readingAssembly

Second readingAssembly

  • Second reading moved

    Click Here to View the Second Reading Speech

    Under the Government Business Program agreed to by the House 07/10/2008, debate on this bill must be completed by 4.00 pm on Thursday 09/10/2008. Debate resumed 08/10/2008 and the Opposition (Mr McIntosh) on behalf of the Coalition moved a reasoned amendment. On 09/10/2008 the House removed the bill from the Government Business Program; debate therefore no longer has to conclude at 4.00 pm on Thursday 09/10/2008. Debate resumed 09/10/2008 and Mr McIntosh withrew his reasoned amendment.

  • Second reading passed

Consideration in detailAssembly

  • Consideration in detail started
    Bill split into two new bills, the Major Crime (Investigative Powers) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2008 and the Police Regulation Amendment Bill 2008.