Glossary for Acts
Acts are numbered in chronological order for each year. For example, Act 10/2018 is the tenth Act enacted in 2018.
An authorised version of an Act is a version that the Chief Parliamentary Counsel has authorised to be admissible as evidence in court. The version is admissible in both its printed and electronic form. Find out more about authorised versions.
Each version of an Act has an effective date. This is the date on which that version of the Act was published. The version will incorporate all amendments that had been made to the Act by that date.
A notice about a version of an Act is a document or note containing information about that version or that Act. For example, a notice may include editorial corrections that need to be made to that version, or it may note that the Act has been repealed.
A version of an Act that is not labelled as an authorised version is not admissible as evidence in court.