Linking to legislation

Learn more about linking to Victorian legislation.

URL for a specific version of legislation

You can link directly to a specific version of any Act in force or statutory rule in force using the URL for that version.

On navigating to an Act in force or a statutory rule in force, you will be taken to the latest version of that Act or statutory rule. The final part of that page's URL will reflect the specific version you are looking at. For example:

is the URL for version 002 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019, and

is the URL for version 001 of the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019.

URL for the latest version of legislation

You can also link directly to the latest version of any Act in force or statutory rule in force.

The way to do this is to delete the part of the URL that specifies the version number. For example:

is the URL for the latest version of the Guardianship and Administration Act 2019. The URL has had "002" or "001" omitted from the end.

Navigating to that URL will always take you the latest version of that Act.