Passed and Assented to
Introduction print – Bill
Introduction print – Explanatory Memorandum
First House: Legislative Assembly
First readingAssembly
- Introduced by Hon Melissa Horne
- First reading passed
- 13/08/2024
- Statement of compatibility tabled
- 14/08/2024
Second readingAssembly
- Second reading moved
- 14/08/2024
- Government business program
- 10/09/2024
Debate on this bill must be completed by 5.00 pm on Thursday 12/09/2024.
- Debate resumed
- 10/09/2024
- Amendments circulated
- 10/09/2024
The Greens (Dr Tim Read) circulated an amendment.
Tim Read - amendment.pdf(opens in a new window)Tim Read - amendment.docx(opens in a new window)
- Second reading passed
- 12/09/2024
Third readingAssembly
- Third reading moved
- 12/09/2024
- Third reading passed
- 12/09/2024
Second House: Legislative Council
Message received from AssemblyCouncil
- Message received from Assembly
- 12/09/2024
First readingCouncil
- Introduced by Hon Harriet Shing
- First reading passed
- 12/09/2024
- Statement of compatibility tabled
- 12/09/2024
Second readingCouncil
- Second reading moved
- 12/09/2024
- Debate resumed
- 31/10/2024
- Legalise Cannabis Party amendments circulated
- 31/10/2024
- Australian Greens Party amendments circulated
- 31/10/2024
- Second reading passed
- 31/10/2024
- Instruction to Committee of the whole
- 31/10/2024
The House debated and agreed to a motion moved by David Ettershank, That it be an instruction to the Committee that they have power to consider amendments and New Clauses to amend the Road Safety Act 1986 to provide for discretion for a court in cancelling or disqualifying the licence or learner permit of a person who commits an offence against section 49(1)(bb), (h) or (i) of the Road Safety Act 1986 if it relates to the use of a prescription drug which is a legal medicinal cannabis product.
Committee of the wholeCouncil
- Date committed
- 31/10/2024
- Committee of the whole completed - Bill amended
- 31/10/2024
Third readingCouncil
- Third reading moved
- 31/10/2024
- Third reading passed
- 31/10/2024
Dealing with Council amendments
- Dealing with Council amendments
- 31/10/2024
The Assembly will now consider the amendments made by the Council.
- 12/11/2024
The Legislative Assembly agreed to the amendments made by the Council.
- Clerk of the Parliaments correction
- 14/11/2024
The Clerk of the Parliaments corrected typographical errors in Clause 42D, as inserted by the Council’s amendment No 6 and agreed to by the Assembly, that inserts new subsection 58BA into the Road Safety Act 1986, replacing the four references to ‘Roads and Roads Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2024’ with ‘Roads and Road Safety Legislation Amendment Act 2024’.
Royal Assent
- Royal Assent given
- 19/11/2024
- Act number 46/2024